Friday, March 4, 2011

Shandong province conscripts to lead the group senior clerk is Guo Zhao is letter to say

Vice- mayoral〃 job in the city hall of Xu Zhu Xin comrade.
(Responsibility editor:Liu Xiao is quiet)
People net Peking gives or gets an electric shock Sui to turn city on February 22 person greatly often the Wei will appointment and dismiss a batch of leaderships staff recently and appointed the Tiffany & Co country of Du Ji as pair mayor, adjusted housing and city country to constucted bureau, transportation bureau and audit bureau chief Ju job candidate.Is concrete ordination the list is as follows:
(The Sui turns city on February 20, 2011 the second people greatly often Wei will meeting pass for for the 23th time)
The country of Du Ji is a city pair mayor of people government;
Liu Yuan livings to constuct bureau chief Ju for the city housing and the city country;
Wu uses for the city transportation bureau chief Ju;
Li Chang Xiang is a city to audit bureau chief Ju.
Xu Cheng Yun City is housing and city country constuct bureau chief Ju is job;
Li Shu is Jean City is transportation bureau chief Ju is job;
River City Liu audits bureau chief Ju is job.
(Responsibility editor:Liu Xiao is quiet)
Win a new net benefit south on February 22 give or get an electric shock(Liu Wei Hua, Zhang Shi Zhu, , Huang Jian, ) a reporter recently from just ended of four big meetings of 11 people in Shandong province up learn of, first time in Shandong province wrote in"guarantee both quality and quantity completion to conscript a task" into 《government the work gave a talk or lectured 》 .
Shandong province conscripts to lead the group senior clerk is Guo Zhao is letter to say, conscript the target, task of work to write in government the work give a talk or lecture and marked to conscript a work to bring into point in Shandong province construction programming and also indicate to conscript a work to follow legalization, normalization orbit.

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