Friday, August 27, 2010

Realm of marriage shoes compared the marriage

Realm of marriage shoes compared the marriage was a pair of shoes, it is apt, but the next sentence, I usually am disgusted: Hop inappropriate, only the feet to know. It became the majority of people complaining about a dubious marriage between the rhetoric In fact, the real inappropriate, a marriage that pair of shoes you? mm inappropriate only your feet!this world has never born a pair of shoes for your feet, you pre-feet wide, multi-narrow heels, feet how much feet long, not that pair of shoes customized specially for you. not to mention marriage, than a pair of shoes are much more complex. shoes too tight, your feet will feel no freedom, too much restraint, shoes too loose, you will not run that fast runners, baggy, not make you life on the road in Fleet of Foot. wait for the right size, you will find that there is flexibility in mm why I walked, it can not loose a little, running time, it can not bear in the process? like a marriage, you want passion, you want the other half romantic lover, handsome, and when you are passionate retreat, thought of a smooth day, you want him her honest, not outer beauty unlimited, wasps Jalan butterfly strokes. you're tired of years of flat time, like the other lively and outgoing, optimistic and naive, and you are afraid of living rough, you want the other mature, on a budget.

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